Porn-Induced Erectile Dysfunction Guide

Many guys think that they need more money, power or status in order to get women.

They couldn’t be further from the truth though.

PIED (porn-induced erectile dysfunction) is one of the biggest problems plaguing guys these days. Even if you are not 100% impotent (yet), I can promise you that watching some amount of pornography does have an influence on your sexual performance, stamina and in some cases, genital size.

If you have a limited amount of potency at the moment, you can bet that your erections are going to get worse every year from now. Guys that have semi-persistent erection problems at 25 are going to have full-on impotency at 35.

Porn-Induced Erectile Dysfunction Is Ruining Your Chances with Women

Watching too much pornography is going to influence your preferences and fetishes, morphing your normal sexuality into an untamable beast.

You don’t want that kind of sexuality – most girls can’t stand a guy that has a million different preferences and needs when it comes to sex, plus what are you going to offer them in return? Being weak in the sack doesn’t leave you with a lot of bargaining chips. Women want to have their sexual and emotional wishes fulfilled as well.

You need to be very good sexually in order to command wish fulfillment from your partner.

I should also mention the Coolidge effect – you should read the article, but what it says is that the more porn you watch, the more sexually satiated your brain is going to be, eventually reaching a point where no girl is going to be able to arouse you.

And without full arousal – sex is going to be sub-optimal.

Most Erectile Dysfunction Problems are Caused by Porn

Although it might sound shocking to you to hear that most of your sexual problems (which you’ve probably had at some point in your life since you are reading this text) were caused by too much masturbation (especially when combined with porn), the good news is that you can easily solve this problem, and have the sex life you always wanted to have.

Just imagine this: 99% of the guys around you, are only looking forward to having the next fap. By the time they go on a date with a new girl, they’ll be drained up of all their masculine potency.

This leaves a lot of room for people like you to enter the game.

If you become the type of guy that is fit, full of energy and haven’t spent his sexual energy watching useless porn videos, you can bet everything you have that girls are going to be attracted to you.

You can be that kind of person easily. You can jump from premature ejaculation problems to sex god in like 6 months.

If you cure your PIED, there are two types of social situations that are going to improve for you:

  1. You’ll be more interesting to new women
  2. Women that are going to sleep with you will want to stay around.

Curing your PIED problems is a win-win, and what’s best you can start from today, for the total price of $0 – and you’ll have dozens of additional free hours every week – since you won’t be spending time browsing for porn videos.

All it takes is to learn how to properly do NoFap, stop masturbating, and get fit.

PIED Begins at a Young Age

When guys are at a young age, they need parental advice for situations in which their impulse control mechanisms are not yet ready.

We do not live in a natural environment – having access to millions of bits of data transferred through the speed of light to your computer gives you access to the kind of information that people would kill for 50 years ago.

Most of the wars that happened in history could have a completely different outcome if the armies had access to the kind of real-time info we have today. Just 50-60 years ago most armies (apart from the Soviet and American forces) had no way to track enemy movements – they still had to send scouts and recon teams (like in Age of Empires), while hoping that they are going to spot the enemy during their perimeter sweep.

Today there are commercial satellite companies that can sell you real-time photos of any place on the Earth.

Imagine a young person with that kind of power. He’s going to naturally look for porn. The more extreme, the better.

PIED is a shadow lurking behind every corner when you are 16-years old. And our parents weren’t prepared to warn us about this problem.

Getting hooked to porn at the age of 12 to 16 is probably the worst possible period. And sadly, that’s the period when most people do get hooked in.

We are never going completely remove some of the minor ways in which porn has shaped us. And perhaps that’s a good thing. Those memories can serve as a reminder so you don’t relapse and ruin your strike during NoFap.

This also brings me to another point – the fact that quitting pornography alone won’t get you back to the “100%” version of you should serve as a motivator to improve in other areas.

Coincidentally, most healthy and positive hobbies also have a boosting effect on your sexual performance and serve as an “Anti-PIED” mechanism.

Here are just some hobbies/routines you should take on in order to reduce PIED:

  1. Weight Lifting (improves everything in your body – just don’t over do it, you won’t have to become a powerlifter)
  2. Eat natural, whole foods (increases testosterone, makes your body and cardiovascular system better functioning)
  3. Socialize more often (increases testosterone, and dopamine – in a natural way)
  4. Dress better (increased confidence and self-esteem)

Dopamine Overloads Are Your Enemy

You don’t have to become a monk in order to free yourself from erectile problems.

You just need to abstain from artificial dopamine stimulators – the worst of which is watching pornography and doing PMO.

You can do any kind of pleasurable activity you want to do, as long as it is natural.

For example, going out with friends is going to stimulate your brain, and release a lot of similar chemicals that porn does. But the amount of these chemicals is going to be different, and the interaction is going to be pleasurable in more than one dimension.

Other Causes of ED

It should be noted that there are other causes of ED as well – not everyone is suffering from a bout of porn-induced erectile dysfunction.

While abstaining from porn and doing NoFap can be useful in every situation (check the full list of NoFap benefits here), you should also be aware of the following other causes of erectile dysfunction, so that you can hopefully work on improving them as well:

  • Low testosterone

Low testosterone levels can be a symptom of a testicular disorder, although, for most young guys with porn-induced ed, their testosterone problems are going to environmentally-based.


A new study has found a “substantial” drop in U.S. men’s testosterone levels since the 1980s, but the reasons for the decline remain unclear. This trend also does not appear to be related to age.

The average levels of the male hormone dropped by 1 percent a year, Dr. Thomas Travison and colleagues from the New England Research Institutes in Watertown, Massachusetts, found. This means that, for example, a 65-year-old man in 2002 would have testosterone levels 15 percent lower than those of a 65-year-old in 1987. This also means that a greater proportion of men in 2002 would have had below-normal testosterone levels than in 1987.

Every decade, guys have been shown to have less testosterone than the previous generation.

This kind of change is bound to have an effect on erection quality, which is why you should dedicate some time towards learning how and why you can minimize the decrease in your testosterone, while at the same time learning how to increase your free testosterone levels.

  • High prolactin levels

Chronic masturbation is one of the most common culprits when it comes to having high prolactin levels (a hormone that is most well-known for inducing lactation in mammals).


Prolactin (PRL), also known as luteotropic hormone or luteotropin, is a protein that is best known for its role in enabling mammals, usually females, to produce milk. It is influential in over 300 separate processes in various vertebrates, including humans. Prolactin is secreted from the pituitary gland in response to eating, mating, estrogen treatment, ovulation and nursing. Prolactin is secreted in pulses in between these events. Prolactin plays an essential role in metabolism, regulation of the immune system and pancreatic development.

In mammals, prolactin is associated with milk production; in fish it is thought to be related to the control of water and salt balance. Prolactin also acts in a cytokine-like manner and as an important regulator of the immune system. It has important cell cycle-related functions as a growth-, differentiating- and anti-apoptotic factor. As a growth factor, binding to cytokine-like receptors, it influences hematopoiesis, angiogenesis and is involved in the regulation of blood clotting through several pathways. The hormone acts in endocrine, autocrine and paracrine manner through the prolactin receptor and a large number of cytokine receptors.

Doing NoFap on hard mode is going to get your prolactin to record low levels. As it should be.

  • Not getting enough sleep

Sleep is the time when your body repairs itself. It is also the time when your hormones balance out. Not sleeping enough has a direct correlation to having less testosterone.


Daytime testosterone levels were decreased by 10% to 15% in this small convenience sample of young healthy men who underwent 1 week of sleep restriction to 5 hours per night, a condition experienced by at least 15% of the US working population. By comparison, normal aging is associated with a decrease of testosterone levels by 1% to 2% per year. This testosterone decline was associated with lower vigor scores but not with increased levels of cortisol, a stress-responsive hormone that can inhibit gonadal function. Symptoms and signs of androgen deficiency include low energy, reduced libido, poor concentration, and increased sleepiness, all of which may be produced by sleep deprivation in healthy individuals. Additional investigations of the links between sleep and testosterone are needed to determine whether sleep duration should be integrated in the evaluation of androgen deficiency.

After just a single week of sleep restriction (sleep restriction means the study participants were sleeping for a limited number of hours every night), daytime testosterone levels were decreased by 10% to 15%.

Always try to sleep for at least 8 hours per night, and if you have to decrease this amount for some special occasion, try not to go below 6-hours per night.

Additional Causes of ED:

  • Not getting enough exercise
  • Eating junk food
  • Cardiovascular and blood vessel disorders (need to talk to a urologist for this one)
  • Prostate disorders
  • Smoking (weed, cigarettes and anything else)
  • Diabetes (early cases and pre-diabetes can be reversed with a low-carb diet)
  • Metabolic syndrome (symptoms can be reversed)
  • Substance abuse, including alcohol
  • High blood pressure (hypertension)

3-Step Process for Curing Porn-Induced Erectile Dysfunction

Finally, we’re at the point of this article were the 3-step process of using NoFap to cure your erection dysfunction problem.

Here’s a basic overview of how the process should go:

  • Commit to Doing NoFap on Hard Mode

That is true – the more serious your erection problems are, the more serious you need to be about the NoFap challenge.

This means that you can’t be doing any run-of-the-mill NoFap routines.

You are going to watch out for not edging to porn.

You are not going to browse social media websites and look at scantily clad women.

You are not going to relapse – not even once. You don’t have time for relapsing. You are suffering from PIED, your penis is literally sabotaging you. You need to fix this with every fiber of your being.

  • Eliminate All the Other Artificial Dopamine Stimulators

Investing and enjoying in artificial dopamine stimulators for the sole purpose of having “fun” is a type of self-sabotaging behavior that no man should ever take part of.

The #1 rule of eliminating all sensations that decrease your energy levels is the following:

– Don’t do Any Activity for the Sole Purpose of Fun

You can have fun – as much as you want – as a side-effect of doing something for the greater good.

Buying new things because you are bored is bad. Buying new things as an investment so you can get a better job or be more attractive is good.

You can even play video games, provided that the game is not Candy Crush Saga and has something else to offer you – perhaps a cool backstory (if it’s an adventure game), rational thinking (if it’s a grand strategy or political game), or desensitize you to risk (action games).

Naturally, no one can do this 100% of the time – everyone needs some time to chill out. But you should follow the above rule as a general guideline.

– Start Socializing More Often 

Studies have shown that a guy’s testosterone levels rise when he has more social power.

That’s why dictators don’t want to let go of their power. Being in power is addictive.

There is an old expression about this: “Power corrupts; absolute power corrupts absolutely.”

It seems that our ancient primate ancestors evolved a certain behavioral pattern that made it possible for any individual to become a leader of the tribe. But for this behavioral pattern to be possible, every individual primate had to have adjustable testosterone levels – depending on where he sat on the social hierarchy scale.

That means that getting better socially is correlated with everything else in life.

Even work promotions are in large part social.

Meritocracy has been long gone.

The moment you face the reality of where you belong socially, you are going to be amazed by how doing the slightest changes can have a profound effect on your life.

Not buying baggy clothes and getting some nice new slim-fitting pieces is radically going to change how fit you look to other people.

And the more you do this type of investment in yourself, the more additional self-improvement ideas you are going to get.

Porn-Induced Semen Retention Questions and Answers:

What About NoFap and Premature Ejaculation?

Premature Ejaculation is a type of erection dysfunction. Not all ED problems are related to being impotent (meaning not being able to have an erection).

There are different kinds of ED problems, and premature ejaculation is one such problem. Guys that have PE problems, can have sexual intercourse for only a few minutes at a time, and sometimes for even less than 15 seconds. In some occasions, a person with PE can ejaculate before even beginning intercourse.

Just as being impotent can ruin a relationship, the same can be caused by premature ejaculation. The good thing is that just like NoFap can cure erection problems, it can do the same with premature ejaculation. Once you do NoFap for a few months, you’ll be less anxious, meaning sex won’t cause such deep-routed arousal issues.

Premature ejaculation is usually caused by too much anxiety, and anxiety is a byproduct of watching pornography.

What About NoFap and Delayed Ejaculation?

Delayed ejaculation is the opposite of premature ejaculation. That means that instead of ejaculating too early, guys with delayed ejaculation may be completely unable to orgasm even after prolonged periods of sexual contact.

Of all the ED problems, delayed ejaculation is the least concerning one – as while the guy may not be happy for being able to orgasm, he is still able to have intercourse with his partner. And girls don’t really mind if a guy is suffering from DE – at least not enough for it to be a problem for having a relationship.

Delayed ejaculation may not be always caused by pornography. In some cases, certain medicines, like SSRIs may be the root of the issue. While NoFap can help cure Delayed Ejaculation if it’s caused by porn, you should check the labels of any prescription medicine you are taking, as DE may be a side-effect.

Do All Types of Porn Cause the Same Porn-Induced Erectile Dysfunction?

While all types of porn cause porn induced erectile dysfunction, the more hardcore and fetish-oriented the piece of pornography is, the worse your PIED symptoms are going to be.

The reason why is that porn that is more targeted to you is going to release more dopamine, and cause more arousal. Arousal causes the brain to create stronger neural pathways. The more triggering porn you watch, the less of a chance that real life girls are going to be able to satisfy you.

Indulging in extreme fetishes increases the odds of you developing porn-induced erection dysfunction.

Can NoFap Really Cure ED?

NoFap is the best cure for erectile dysfunction.

If you are a young healthy male with no injuries to your genital area, all erection problems you are suffering are caused by porn. All of them. You don’t need pills, you don’t need surgery, all you need is to quit porn.

The only caveat to this is in case you do have some type of internal injury, in which case you would have to talk to a doctor. The chance that you have an injury is less than 1%, so going the NoFap route instead of the medical one can save your health and money. Erection drugs have a lot of side-effects and can even cause death.

  • ED Cure Success Stories

The internet is littered with guys that have reported being completely cured of porn-induced erectile dysfunction after just a few weeks of NoFap. Here’s one such story from Reddit:

Everyone says taking medicine for ED is a bad thing. 99% of young guys don’t need drugs – they just need to stop watching porn.

Can NoFap Improve Your Erection Quality?

Yes, NoFap improves erection quality in guys that have ED and in guys that don’t have erection problems. Those that don’t have problems with their erections are going to be able to last longer and have an erection with increased levels of blood flow.

The timeline for improving your erection quality is the same as curing ED, so don’t worry about it.

How Will I Know When My Erectile Dysfunction has Been Cured?

Many guys are eager to either have sex or masturbate after a few weeks of NoFap, in order to check if things work “down there.”

There is no way to tell if your ED has been cured other than to try to have sex and see how things go. Masturbating by yourself is not going to be a good way to test, as people with PIED can masturbate without a problem – it’s being intimate with a woman that brings out the erection problems. No one suffers from premature ejaculation when masturbating.

The timeline for curing ED is going to be based on how long you have been doing PMO and at which age you started. The earlier you began to masturbate, and the longer it lasted, the more time on NoFap you’ll need.

A good rule of thumb for guys that didn’t have a full-blown masturbation addiction is about 6 months. Guys that started to masturbate at an early age, and who did chronic masturbation for over 5-10 years will need over a year of NoFap in order to cure ED.

Doing semen retention and NoFap on hard mode are the only two things that can speed up your progress.

Does Erectile Dysfunction Worsen With Age?

Yes, Erectile Dysfunction can worsen with age, especially if you don’t work harder on your health as the years go on.

After the age of 25-30, your testosterone levels and overall health is going to worsen on an yearly basis. You can compensate for that by living healthier. Eat better food, exercise more often and put off any addictions to alcohol, smoking, and masturbation.

If you are suffering from porn-induced erectile dysfunction, things may not worsen with age. Symptoms of PIED can worsen if you watch more extreme genres of porn. The more fetish-oriented stuff you watch, the worse your symptoms are going to be. Age will not be a big factor in this case.

A 25-year old that watches extreme fetish porn can have the erection quality of an 80-year old.

Can NoFap Cure ED From Hypertension?

No, NoFap won’t affect ED that is caused by a physical disorder.

Hypertension is most often caused by carrying excess body weight. The only way to cure Erectile Dysfunction from hypertension is to lose weight, eat less salty food and lift weights.

Can Being Overweight Worsen PIED Symptoms?

Yes, being overweight can worsen porn-induced erection dysfunction since it can be a supplementing factor. PIED is a psychological issue, while erectile dysfunction from being overweight is a physical disorder. The two issues can combine into an even bigger complication.

If you were able to be semi-erect before, becoming overweight may lead to complete impotence.

Is Depression Bad for Porn-Induced Erectile Dysfunction?

Depression and porn-induced erectile dysfunction are often interlinked.

Loneliness and depression may be one of the leading factors for chronic masturbation. In that way, depression can cause Erectile Dysfunction. If you believe you are suffering from PIED and weren’t previously depressed, depression in this case may have a smaller negative effect on your erection quality.

Taking anti-depressants may further worsen your erection problems.

Can Erectile Dysfunction Get Worse?

Erectile Dysfunction is a fluctuating disorder, meaning you can have better and worse months. In some cases, this may happen without you changing anything in your daily routine.

Only a prolonged and dedicated approach to solving PIED with NoFap can completely cure you of the symptoms.

“Why do I Have Erection Problems Only When Wearing a Condom?”

This one is an interesting situation that does happen to a large percentage of guys.

Some guys are able to stay erect, but suffer from ED if they put a condom on. This still counts as suffering from erectile dysfunction, although at a lesser degree. The problem of maintaining an erection while wearing a condom is further complicated by the loss of sensitivity in the genitals, which is caused by masturbation.

Rough masturbation can be especially debilitating in this case. Rought masturbation is also called “death grip,” due to the loss of sensitivity in that cause in the penis. Only complete abstinence from masturbation can improve your sexual performance while wearing a condom.

“Should I Look Into Medical Treatments for Erectile Dysfunction?”

For 99% of the guys out there, medical treatments are not going to be needed in order to cure ED.

You are going to need treatment for your erection problems if you have a physical disorder that affects your sexual performance. In that case, you’ll to talk to your doctor and seek treatment.

How do I Quit Pornography?

The only way to quit pornography is to go cold-turkey. You cannot watch less porn while doing NoFap. Zero porn is the only acceptable figure.

Only by completely blocking pornography from your life can you be able to get your erection quality back in order.

View Comments

  • "No one suffers from premature ejaculation when masturbating." I am not sure about that. I have suffered PE while masturbating. I guess I have been PMOing so many years that I am destroyed down there. Now I am in my 20 day of nofap and I hope this helps me to get rid of all the problems PMO has caused me.
    Thank you, this site is amazing.